FAQs for Backers

  1. How can I found interesting projects as per my preference?
    To find interesting projects as per your preference follow below steps:
    a) Go to ‘Browse Projects’ page.
    b) Enter the criteria in the search form as per your preference.
    c) You can go through the projects as per the searched criteria.

  2. How can I back a project?
    You can back a project in two ways:
    a) Back Button: Click on back button and you will be re-directed to the page with all the list of rewards and an option to back any amount to the project.
    c) Reward Selection: choose the reward listed on the project profile page and you will be redirected to the page where that reward is pre-selected.

    Next step is to fill your delivery address and pay for the back amount using available payment options.

  3. Can I back a project more than once?
    Yes, you can back a project more than once.

  4. How can I contact Project Owner for any queries related to his project?
    You can click on ‘Contact Me’ button placed on project profile page to contact the Project Owner for any queries related to his project.

  5. Is it possible to get refund of the amount I have backed for a project?
    Amount backed can be refunded back or not is entirely dependent on the project owner and site admin. So, in case of any refund, please contact project owner or site admin.

  6. Do I get notified if a project I have backed succeeds or not?
    Yes, you will be notified about the success and failure of the project which you have backed.

  7. Is my pledge amount publicly displayed?
    This depends entirely on you. You can make your contribution anonymous while backing the project.

  8. How can I know in detail about the project owner?
    You can see the full biography of the project owner by clicking on the ‘Full Bio’ button present on the project profile page. Here, you can also the link of other social media profile of the project owner like: Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google Plus etc.

  9. Where can I keep track of my backed details related to various projects?
    You can keep track of your backed details related to various projects from ‘My Projects’ section. You can also print invoice of the backing details from here.

  10. Will I receive the invoice for my backed amount?
    Yes, you will receive the invoice for you backed amount on your registered email address. You can also print invoice of the backing details from ‘My Projects’ section.

  11. How do I know when rewards for a project will be delivered?
    Projects have an Estimated Delivery Date under each reward on the project page. You can view the Estimated Delivery Date either on the project profile page. This date is entered by project owners as their best guess for delivery to Donors.

  12. I haven't gotten my reward yet. What do I do?
    The first step is checking the Estimated Delivery Date on the project page. Backing a project is a lot different than simply ordering a product online, and sometimes projects are in very early stages when they are funded.
    If the Estimated Delivery Date has passed, check for project updates that may explain what happened. Sometimes project owners hit unexpected roadblocks, or simply underestimate how much work it takes to complete a project. PRoject owners are expected to communicate these setbacks when they happen.
    If the project owner hasn’t posted any update, send them a direct message to request more information about their progress, or post a public comment on their project asking for a status update.